Wednesday 7 November 2018

Monday 5 November 2018


At the moment in class we have been working on descriptive writing. we have been using pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. here is a piece of writing i did.

Click here for a link to the original work

On sunday I was playing in the woods when i got lost
i stumbled into an abandoned cottage. i went inside
where i find a book with ripped pages and it smelled
like dust. i open it then all of a sudden spiders crawled out.
 The floor broke and fell into a pit along with me….    
My legs were akeng. i must have been 60 meters into
the ground. there was no way back up. then i noticed
an old, rickety door. i opened it. it fell off its hinges CRASH!!!
There was nothing in there except for a coffin. it opened.
i almost fainted!! a dead thing emerged from the coffin! it was
after me! i ran out trying every way possible to climb out……

                                            THE END

Monday 10 September 2018

Fabric Bags And Beeswax Wrap

This term we have been making Fabric Bags And Beeswax Wrap. We made these because we want to help the environment by reducing our waste we can use  Fabric Bags instead of plastic bags and use Beeswax Wrap instead of plastic wrapping paper. I really enjoyed making the beeswax wrap. I thought it was fascinating when I melted the beeswax because it just disappeared.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Reducing Waste

InfographicImage result for recycling symbols
Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4

Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive
impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution

Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our
  • environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can reduce their waste
in their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information

-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Friday 10 August 2018

Keeping Ourselves Safe

At school we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe.  Constable Jos and Terri have been helping us with this learning. Here are some of the things I have learnt. 

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Maui And The Sun

Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups to practise and perform a
play. This is using our oral language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.

For writing your task is to summarise the main events in your play in three
paragraphs. You must plan your writing first but it is up to you how you do
your planning.  You must also write a fourth paragraph about your experience
of practising and performing your play.

Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with a main idea and
contain supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.

Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related
and where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g. colons : and
semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success criteria green if you have
met them and can show them in your work. Highlight green in your work where you have
met these success criteria.

At the start of this story the sun was moving too fast so
Maui, a powerful demigod, said to his 5 brothers,” I WILL SLOW THE SUN” and his brothers said ,”You cannot tame Tamanuitera. He will kill you.” But then the 5 brothers agreed that they will go with him.

 In the second part of this story they made magical ropes
of flax as strong as 1000 men to capture the sun with.
They started walking off. They only traveled at night so
Tamanuitera would not see them. After days of walking
they finally arrived at were the sun rose. They built a
wall of clay and when the sun rose they threw the ropes
And caught Tamanuitera in his fiery hair. Then Maui jumped up
and hit Tamanuitera with the magic jawbone of his ancestors.
Tamanuitera shouted in pain. Maui said ,”Will you go slower in
the sky if I let you go.” Tamanuitera gave up. He said ,“I will.” Maui said to his brother's ,”let go of the ropes.”

In the end of this story the sun has slowed down.

I think that I worked well in my group. Next time I could
improve on really getting into the character and acting
because this time I got a bit shy. As a team we did not
work well because at the beginning we were arguing but in the
end it worked out really well because we focused and got it
done. When my group did our play it went surprisingly well.
As a group we did well at looking at the audience and not
turning our backs to the audience. We participated and
contributed by working well as a team and working things
out when it was not going so well for the group. I really
enjoyed making the props and I thought it was cool that I
got to be Maui.